The genesis of writing If Only You Would Ask occurred while Joan had been caring for her father-in-law. In the book, Joan lists over forty-two topics and four-hundred engaging questions to assist in reflecting and conversing with our loved ones. Joan was encouraged to write If Only You Would Ask after visiting her father-in-law for five years, often sitting around the kitchen table or living room, just to have a little conversation and provide a bit of comfort. As her father-in-law continued to stay in his own home, aging, and alone in northern Minnesota, Joan made regular trips to his residence. After so many visits, it felt like the conversations had run dry, and Joan felt they may have been losing their heartening effects. Upon reaching out to her mother for advice, Joan was given a notebook filled with a list of questions to ask, to help spur the conversations, so they could learn more about one another. The sad part of this story, is that after taking the notebook of questions over to her father-in laws house, he had passed, leaving so many unanswered questions.
On a personal note, I had a similar experience with my grandfather, growing up, visiting him on a yearly basis, at his home in south Florida. Some of my favorite childhood and teenage memories are visiting him, watching sailboats go in and out of harbor and eating Hostess treats for breakfast! In the evenings we would often watch the history channel and documentaries about the 40’s and 50s, knowing that he experienced and knew so much about an era so often talked about, but less remembered every year.
After re-watching Band of Brothers recently and listening to the personal testimonies of the soldiers before each episode, I’m disappointed I didn’t ask my grandpa more about his childhood and what it was like fighting during World War II. If only I had asked and knew how to approach certain topics in conversation in a more comfortable way.
Some of the topics included in If Only You Would Ask are Core Beliefs, Relationships, Unique Experiences and even Sports and Politics, but these are just a few of the many included in this comprehensive how-to. “With forty-two topics and over four hundred questions, If Only You Would Ask provides the framework for tapping into memories that may not have been thought about or talked about for years! You and the person you are visiting will both enjoy your time together. In fact, you will look forward to your next time together.”
“Every person has stories to share, If Only You Would Ask!"
You can buy If Only You Would Ask! on Amazon Today.
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